Monuments Men and Women Museum Network
United States of America

Albright-Knox Art Gallery
(Buffalo, NY)
- Capt. Patrick Kelleher (Chief Curator, 1950-1954)
- Lt. Charles Parkhurst (Curator, 1946-1947)
- Andrew Ritchie (Director, 1942-1949)
Works of art in the collection with ties to the Monument Men and Women:
- William Gear, Phantom Landscape, 1960.
- Salvatore Scarpitta, Directory, 1960.
- Louis Dlugosz, Head of an Engine House Foreman

Amon Carter Museum of American Art
(Fort Worth, TX)

Birmingham Museum of Art
(Birmingham, AL)

Cincinnati Art Museum
(Cincinnati, OH)
- Capt. Walter I. Farmer (Lecturer before and after WWII)

Columbus Museum of Art
(Columbus, OH)
- Capt. Walter I. Farmer (Lecturer 1949-1960)
Works of art in the collection with ties to the Monument Men and Women:
- Jan Joest van Kalkar, Virgin and Child with St. Anne (c. 1510)

Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum
(Dallas, TX)
- In 2016, the Foundation donated to the Museum a seven-branch menorah—one of thousands stolen or displaced during World War II as the Nazis exterminated Jewish communities and looted their belongings—and a wartime album containing 46 tipped-in photographs showing daily work activities of the Monuments Men at the Offenbach Archival Depot, that was owned by Monuments Man Corporal Rouben Sami.

Hallie Ford Museum
(Salem, OR)
- Capt. Mark R. Sponenburgh and his wife donated their extensive art collection of over 250 Ancient, European, Middle Eastern, and Asian art objects to the Hallie Ford Museum of Art at Willamette University.

Kimbell Art Museum
(Fort Worth, TX)
Works of art in the collection with ties to the Monument Men and Women:
- Gian Cristoforo Romano (attr.), Portrait of a Woman, Probably Isabella D’Este (c.1500)
- Joseph Mallord William Turner, Glaucus And Scylla (1841)
- Boucher, Mercury Confiding the Infant Bacchus to The Nymphs of Nysa (1769)
- Boucher, Juno Asking Aeolus to Release the Winds (1769)
- Boucher, Boreas Abducting Oreithyia (1769)
- Boucher, Venus at Vulcan's Forge (1769)
- Vigée-Lebrun, Self-Portrait (1781)
- Greuze, Simplicity (1759)

Meadows Museum
(Dallas, TX)
- Lt. Col Richard F. Howard (Professor, Southern Methodist University)
- Lt. Col. Roscoe P. Dewitt (Architect, Southern Methodist University)
Works of art in the collection with ties to the Monuments Men and Women:
- Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Saint Justa (c. 1665)
- Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Saint Rufina (c. 1665)

The National WWII Museum
(New Orleans, LA)
- Monuments Men Gallery (coming 2022)

(Indianapolis, IN)
Works of art in the collection with ties to the Monument Men and Women:
- Paul Gauguin, Still Life with Profile of Laval (1886)

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum (Philadelphia, PA)
- Capt. A. Sheldon Pennoyer (Alumnus)
- Capt. Walker K. Hancock (Alumnus, studied under Charles Grafly,1920-1925
Head of the Sculpture Department, 1929-1967)

Philbrook Museum of Art
(Tulsa, OK)
- Mr. Maurice A. DeVinna (Prior to his death in 2004, he established the Maurice DeVinna Charitable Trust, which continues to provide bi-annual funding for the purchase of art).

Princeton University Art Museum
(Princeton, NJ)
- Lt. Col Ernest DeWald (Alumnus, Class of 1916; Professor, 1925-1960;
Director of Museum, 1947-1960)
- Capt. Patrick Kelleher (Professor of Art and Architecture, 1960-1973; Director
of Museum, 1960-1972)
- Lt. Robert Koch (Professor Art and Archaeology, 1948-1990; Assistant
Director, Curator of Prints & Drawings (1950-1990)
- Lt. Charles Parkhurst (Professor 1947-1949)
- Capt. Albert Sheldon Pennoyer (A. Sheldon Pennoyer Collection)

Smith College Museum of Art
(Northampton, MA)
- Ardelia R. Hall (Alumna, 1922)
- Lt. Frederick Hartt (Visiting Lecturer, Acting Director, 1946-1947)
- Lt. Charles P. Parkhurst (Interim Director, 1991-1992)
- Lt. Col. Alphonse Vorenkamp (Professor, 1926-1947)

Toledo Museum of Art
(Toledo, OH)
- Hans Tietze (Carnegie Professor, 1940)
- Lt. Otto Wittmann, Jr. (Director, 1946-1976)
Works of art in the collection with ties to the Monuments Men and Women:
- Claude Lorrain, Landscape with Nymph and Satyr Dancing
- Aelbert Cuyp, Landscape with Horse Trainers (also The Riding Lesson)
- Carel Fabritius; Nicolaes Maes, The Happy Child
- Peter Paul Rubens, The Crowning of Saint Catherine

U.S. Army Airborne & Special Operations Museum (Fayetteville, NC)
- Capt. Walker K. Hancock artifacts

Williams College Museum of Art
(Williamstown, MA)
- Capt. Julius H. Buchman (Alumnus, 1928)
- Lt. Cdr. S. Lane Faison (Chair, Art History Department, 1940-1969;
Director, 1948-1976)
- Sgt. Kenneth Lindsay (Professor, 1950)
- Capt. Charles Mitchell (Professor, 1982-1983)
- Lt. Charles Parkhurst (Deputy Director of Special Projects, 1983-1988;
Co-Director, 1983-1984; Lecturer, 1983-1992)
- Andrew C. Ritchie (Lecturer, 1971-1972)
- Maj. Ellis Waterhouse (Visiting lecturer, 1962-1963)
Europe and the U.K.

Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
(Karlsruhe, Germany)
Hundreds of works of art belonging to the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlruhe were moved for safekeeping to the Kochendorf-Heilbronn salt mines. One of the most prominent works of art recovered by the Monuments Men was Rembrandt's Self-Portrait (c.1650), found by Monuments Men Sgt. Harry L. Ettlinger and Lt. Dale V. Ford.

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Alte Nationalgalerie, Bode-Museum, Gemäldegalerie, Neues Museum
(Berlin, Germany)
Approximately one-fourth of the major holdings from the collections of the National Museums in Berlin was recovered from the Merkers salt mine and returned by the Monuments Men and Women. Monuments Man Lt. Cdr. George Stout’s inventory of the repository lists 393 paintings (uncrated), 2,091 print boxes, 1,214 cases, and 140 textiles. Notable works from these state collections that were recovered and returned include:
The Bust of Nefertiti (1345 B.C.E) - Neues Museum
Édouard Manet, In the Conservatory (1879) - Alte Nationalgalerie
Rembrandt, Self-Portrait with Velvet Beret (1634) - Gemäldegalerie
Donatello’s Madonna with Cherubim (around 1440) - Bode Museum

The Courtauld Gallery
(London, UK)
- Sqn. Ldr. Douglas Cooper (Visiting Lecturer)
- Capt. Cecil Gould (Student, 1939)
- Maj. John F Hayward (Economic Research Department, 1937)
- Sqn. Ldr. Donald B King (Student, 1947-1949)
- Sqn. Ldr. E. Christopher Norris (Lecturer on Rubens)
- Capt. Ewan Phillips (Student)
- Maj. Anne Olivier Bell (Student/ Conway Library Volunteer; Researcher for
Dr. Ludwig Burchard 1934-1937)
- Col. Geoffrey Webb ( Lecturer, 1934-1937)
- Andrew C. Ritchie (Fellowship Recipient/ PhD Student, 1933-1935)
Maj. Edward Croft-Murray – After his death his widow, Jill Whitford-Hawkey, donated his research archive on British decorative wall paintings to the Courtauld Institute of Art’s Wall Painting Survey 2005